Sunday, August 30, 2009

First Week of School

Our first week of school went really well. Savannah and Amaris are awesome little students. They learned so much just in the first week of school and are excited about having tests every week. We didn't do tests last year, but this year I am making up tests each week to give them from what we learned during the week. My plan is to give them the test on Monday from what they learned the previous week. I can't believe how much info. we covered in just one week. I came up with 29 questions for their test tomorrow. They might decide tests aren't as fun as they imagined they were.

Jadon did awesome with his school work too. He stuck with it Monday - Wednesday and then by Thursday decided he needed to watch cartoons instead. I was fine with that since I was going to attempt getting two days of school work done with the girls because we took Friday off to go visit my friend and her new baby. I think I'll just stick with 3 days a week with Jadon so he doesn't get sick of doing school every day.

Here are the kids and their school books....

Here are some pictures of the kids and my parents new camper. They can't wait to go on a real camping trip in it.

Trying out their new fishing poles..............

Friday will be Savannah and Amaris' first day of P.E. - Bowling! We joined a homeschool group and every Friday they have P.E. For the month of September it is Bowling. Savannah is super excited about October's P.E. - Soccer!

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